We are building the FAQs about Linewize and Classwize, which are now used across the PARED Group at all Sites. If your question is unanswered here, please let us know by requesting it in the Helpdesk, and we will add it to the list.
Remember - Your questions will help others. 

1. Can Stage Coordinators be given access to monitor only ad hoc groups, and could we create the ability to watch the screens of specific students who get flagged as concerns? 

Yes they can as all teachers have the ability to create ad-hoc groups 

2. Does Linewize's functionality, such as the chat feature, also work with SurfacePros? In the video, they only mention Chromebooks.  

The chat feature will not work for Surface Pros - Announcements will, though

The specific comments made in the video referring to Chromebook functionalities are limited only to Chromebooks.

3. The video mentions that we can push out YouTube videos to our whole class via the 'Open site' function. Given our current restrictions on YouTube for Year 10 and below, could we do this? 

The class teachers can over-ride any rules that are not LOCKED

If the YouTube block rule for your school/group is not a LOCKED rule, you will be able to use this functionality