Room Hire - Invoicing

Only Admin Staff,  Peripatetic  and Sports Coordinator can add this entry 


2. Select the daybook:

 Tangara : "Staff Tangara Invoice For Hire"

 Redfield : "Staff Redfield Invoice For Hire"  

 Montgrove: "Staff Montgrove Invoice For Hire"  

 Wollemi: "Staff Wollemi Invoice For Hire"  

then Click  3. "Add New Entry"

3. If the person hiring the Venue/Room has record on Engage,  search for the name , then Move to the right. Otherwise , Search for your name for External person.

4.2 For Music Peripatetic, Select "Peripatetic"

For all other Resource/Room - select "Room/other Resources"

Complete the details as shown on the right.

Note: Once the payment has been received,  Finance team will update this record to change the status to "Payment Received" and the creator will receive the notification. 


Take note of Invoice Number from daybook

Run the report.

You can either Export to PDF or Preview to Screen. It is recommended to Preview to Screen then Print to PDF

Enter the Invoice Number

ACTUAL INVOICE TO SEND VIA EMAIL.  Save to PDF from the left top corner menu.