Extended Leave or Exemption

Extended Leave application / Exemption from Attendance  -  Final Status  ( For Admin)


Dear Mrs M & Mrs A Smith

Application for Extended Leave - Travel Updated for Wollemi Test Test Student W_Admin

Start Date of extended leave : 21 March 2022 

End Date of extended leave: 25 March 2022

Name of ParentGuardian Filling up this Form: test

STATUS:  Leave Application Justified(Approved)

Additional Note: <Principal/Headmaster Note>

If the status above is "Leave Justified (Approved)" , then this will serve as your certificate. To print your copy, Click here to view this entry and click PDF icon on the top right.

If the status above is "Leave Unjustified (Declined)", then this will serve as a Note for  Test Test Student's attendance.

Sender Email: <>


4. Opening the link from "My Notices"

5. Sample PDF

Daybook 22.03.2022 16.02 MS.pdf