How to View Existing Requisition / PO

Follow 1 , 2, 3 on the screen below.

See Label below:

  1. Year Ended - Select the School Year you need to view/check. Normally default to Current year or the last filtering you have used.

  2. Budget: Please ensure "All" is selected unless you wish to view specific budget

  3. Period: Please ensure "All" is selected unless you wish to view specific period/month

  4. Type :

    • Draft - requisition has not been submitted for Authorisation yet. You can still edit/delete this requisition.

    • Unauthorised Requisitions - Awaiting authorisations from HODS or Budget holder or the Principal (if more than 500) or from the CFO ( if more than 5000).You can still edit/delete this requisition

    • Authorised Requisitions - Awaiting for Finance team to generate PO. Normally, they check every morning to generate POs for all oustanding approved requisitions.

    • Purchase Orders - Finance team has generated the PO and has been distributed to the requestor. Finance team will be checking if the invoice has been attached so they can prepare the payment. Once the PO is no longer listed in here, it means that Finance team has paid it already or it is ready to be paid.

5. Edit / Pencil icon - To edit/delete existing requisition

6. Documents / + icon - this is where the invoice has to be attached once you have received it from the supplier - click this link to how attach the document