How to set School Email Signature

You'll know you're copying it all if all the text and images highlight in blue.

2. Go to the cog icon in the top-right corner of your email 

3. Click See all settings

4. Scroll down to Signature: and click Create new 

5. Name new signature. i.e:

6. Paste what you have copied in this box:

7. Edit your personal details

8. Select your new email signature in these dropdown menus: 

9. Scroll down and click Save Changes

10. Click Compose to write a new email to test how it looks

How to avoid broken design and messy image attachments

Based on our experience applying new email signatures across the other Pared schools we have found that sometimes mobile apps can cause broken signatures i.e. when you send an email from your mobile app or reply to an email from your mobile app. 


Keeping in mind that everyone uses a different mobile device and a preferred email app (whether Apple Mail, Gmail or Outlook) on their personal devices, it would be very difficult to manage and troubleshoot all possible problems that come up. 


The marketing team in conjunction with ParedIT therefore recommend that you:

· switch off the option to add a mobile email signature in the settings of your mobile app; and (where possible)

· replace the signature with text e.g. Sent from my mobile/iPhone


It is better for a recipient to see that you have emailed or replied via your mobile than to receive a broken email signature and icon attachments.


All Schools & PARED Email Signatures